AKA018CHE 177X123

Woven, spun, and dyed by hand, our Afghan rugs are designed with detail in mind. We offer a wide collection of traditional Afghan rug styles which feature distinctive oriental prints, striking octagonal patterns, and vivid colour schemes, transforming any room into a cultural haven. 


From rich reds to sunset hued oranges and perfect powder blues, our premium Afghan rugs are rich in colour, meaning you can choose a tone that looks great within your existing colour scheme. Each rug is available in different sizes and designs too. Browse the full Afghan collection below, or visit us in store.


Show Rugs Per Page 36 - 72
IMG 10191
IMG 10145
IMG 10125
IMG 10155
IMG 10175
IMG 10150
IMG 10196
IMG 10090
IMG 10115
IMG 10085
IMG 10100
IMG 10110
IMG 10105
IMG 10120
IMG 10039
IMG 10049
IMG 10054
IMG 10075
IMG 10080
IMG 10215
IMG 10206
IMG 10216
IMG 6172
IMG 6173
IMG 6194
IMG 6195
IMG 6203
IMG 6202
IMG 6204
100% Wool Cream Afghan Rug AVE022F84 2.88 x 1.80 Handknotted in Afghanistan with a 6mm pile
IMG 2185
100% Wool Multi Afghan Ved Dye Kelim AVK011000 116x79 Handknotted in Afghanistan with a 5mm pile
IMG 6249
AVE030054 434x305
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