When it comes to standing the test of time and surpassing trends and fads, a traditional rug is the perfect addition to any home. Traditional rugs can vary hugely in styles, sizes and colours and are perfect in larger bedrooms, living spaces and even wider hallways to add that element of homeliness. From our subtle but intricate Aura Woven Rugs to our traditional Persian Keshan designs and even some touches of the traditional Orient with our large, Chinese style rugs- there's a perfect traditional rug just ready and waiting for you!

Show Rugs Per Page 36 - 72
IMG 6349
100% Wool Red Persian Nain Rug PNA021052 2.40 x 1.70 Handknotted in Iran with a 12mm pile
100% Wool Red Persian Nain Rug PNA021052 252 x 170 Handknotted in Iran with a 12mm pile
100% Wool Blue Persian Nain Rug PNA023F46 2.97 x 2.00 Handknotted in Iran with a 12mm pile
100% Wool Red Persian Nain Rug PNA025F52 3.02 x 2.49 Handknotted in Iran with a 12mm pile
100% Wool Cream Persian Nain Rug PNA027044 3.54 x 2.58 Handknotted in Iran with a 12mm pile
100% Wool Cream Persian Nain Rug PNA027F44 3.50 x 2.50 Handknotted in Iran with a 12mm pile
100% Wool Cream Persian Nain Rug PNA027F44 3.52 x 2.51 Handknotted in Iran with a 12mm pile
IMG 6293
IMG 1730
IMG 2183
IMG 6311
IMG 1731
IMG 6291 copy
30684622390 fa541babc4 o156
47093275252 ab2aaac230 o copy
47145724861 4580f06d0e o207 copy
IMG 1759
100% Wool Cream coloured Persian Nain Rug PNA046F44 292x50 Handknotted in Iran with a 20mm pile
100% Wool Cream Persian Nain Rug PNA047F44 2.35 x .70 Handknotted in Iran with a 12mm pile
100% Wool Cream Persian Nain Rug PNA047F44 292 x 88 Handknotted in Iran with a 12mm pile
100% Wool Cream Persian Nain Rug PNA071F44 100 x 100 Handknotted in Iran with a 12mm pile
PNA071F44 105x105
PNA071F44 112x113
100% Wool Cream Persian Nain Rug PNA072F44 1.93 x 1.93 Handknotted in Iran with a 12mm pile
100% Wool Cream Persian Nain Rug PNA076044 1.95 x 1.95 Handknotted in Iran with a 12mm pile
100% Wool Cream Persian Nain Rug PNA076044 193 x 193 Handknotted in Iran with a 12mm pile
7830643522 4d1b401115 o180
30951038696 0af278987b o333 copy
40180721563 1f3970ca9c o106 copy
IMG 6353
IMG 6348
QUA042FIN 178x84
IMG 1651
IMG 1691
47093275252 ab2aaac230 o162
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