Looking to widen or lengthen your room? Look no further than a stylish striped rug. From making a statement with monochrome to adding a whole rainbow of creative colour with our Ella Claire Indian Rugs or the more contemporary Indian Infinity striped rugs, stripes are a quick and easy way to add interest, style and character to any room, from the more modern minimalist to the bright and bold. So, get your racing stripes on and start shopping for your striped rugs now!

Show Rugs Per Page 36 - 72
AGM030000 4.15 x 3.06
100% Wool Multi Afghan Modern Design AGM019000 205 x 153 Handknotted in Afghanistan with a 5mm pile
AGA049000 400x83b
100% Wool Multi Afghan Modern Rug AGM025000 3.04 x 2.44 Handknotted in Afghanistan with a 6mm pile
100% Wool Afghan Modern Rug AGM028CHE 360x274 Handknotted in Afghanistan with a 5mm pile
100% Wool Multi Afghan Modern Rug AGM089000 2.48 x 1.96 Handknotted in Afghanistan with a 6mm pile
100% Wool Multi Afghan Nomad Rug ANO022000 290x189 Handknotted in Afghanistan with a 5mm pile
IMG 9266
Afghan Nomad Rug ANO027000 346x243
100% Wool Multi Afghan Nomad Rug ANO028000 374x269 Handknotted in Afghanistan with a 5mm pile
ANO030000 423x298. r
ANO030000 438x296sa r
100% Wool Multi Ella Claire Vibrance Indian Rug Handmade in India with a 18mm pile
30951038696 0af278987b o12 copy2
IMG 9242
IMG 2179
Wool woven onto Cotton Multi Indian Kelim Rug Handmade in India with a 5mm pile
Wool woven onto Cotton Multi Indian Kelim Rug Handmade in India with a 5mm pile
IMG 8462
IMG 3235
IMG 3238
IMG 3244
IMG 3247
IMG 3256
60% Wool / 40% Viscose Multi Ella Claire Indian Rug Design Handmade in India with a 18mm pile
60% Wool / 40% Viscose Multi Ella Claire Indian Rug Design Handmade in India with a 18mm pile
100% Wool Ella Claire Stripes Handknotted in India with a 15mm pile
100% Wool Ella Claire Stripes Handknotted in India with a 15mm pile
100% Wool Multi Ella Claire Stripes Handknotted in India with a 15mm pile
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